Friday, May 7, 2010

God is soooo GOOD!

Day 13 was exciting. CT scan this morning that showed even less swelling. Just found out they are moving her to a regular room tomorrow! Room 5048. The hundreds of prayers are working. Maybe be home in 3-4 days! Not a minute too soon. I guess Cooper is having a hard time at night without us. Thank you to everyone who given time or money or food and must importantly prayers during this time. We are so blessed.

Day 14-right at midnight they moved her to a normal room. Then they said she could be coming home tomorrow! Not sure, but the levels were good. She might have to get some shots in the belly first, but she will take it. There was an issue with a nurse this evening (very rude) and Sarah's mom (she wasn't have'n it) but i...t's fine. Just sooo blessed by God and everyone around us. Thank you again for everything!

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