Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mayor's Prayer Breakfast

I had the opportunity today to share my testimony at the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast where close to 230 individuals got up to attend at 7:00am.  Yes it was early, but WOW what an amazing morning.  I have never seen men and women so still and quiet with tears running down their face just soaking up God's words as they flowed through me.  It was quite a moment and what an amazing moment it was.  I spoke on God's faithfulness through the tragedy's of our lives and how He will never leave us and in EVERYTHING God works for the good for those that love Him.  It was a message that had been building up inside of me for a year now and I was truly a time bomb ready to pop.  God sure was at work on Thursday morning.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cool! I'm glad you had that opportunity!