Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Our Trial Run

Cooper and I took a trial run on my new mode of transportation since I am unable to drive due to my vision. I was truly blessed with a new adult tricycle from some very dear friends of mine that understand how important it is to me to be able to take Cooper to preschool on my own. I couldn't be more thankful for this gift and the blessings that they placed upon it before presenting it to me.

My mom and Parker followed us in the car as we strapped on our helmets and hopped on. We took off with me doing my best to tell my right leg to push and concentrate listening for cars while Cooper relaxed in the bike trailer with his fruit drink yelling, "Go fast Mom!"

We made it to his preschool which is 3/4 of a mile one way and I was thinking man now I have to make it back home. As we stopped for a short break before heading home Coop tells me, "Good job mom!" Let me tell you that is all that I needed to make it back home. As I looked at my mom with tears running down her face I said, "Lets do it!"

We arrived back at home with "Jello" legs and I unstrapped Cooper from all of his gear he told me once again, "Mom good job and that was fast!" I couldn't help but tear up and think what a gift it was just to be here. Thank you once again God for your faithfulness and strength. My mom helped me inside to the couch as I could hardly walk and we just sat there and didn't say a word for a few minutes. What an emotional journey it was and yet all I could say is that we did it!


Kristen said...

Amazing! So excited for you and Cooper! Tell him we wish him a happy first day of school!!!

Kara said...

Love this Sarah. Continued prayers for you & your precious family.